Best Decks for Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event

Are you ready to dominate the Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event in Pokémon TCG Pocket? The meta is still super early and there may be a whole lot of assorted decks you may face. I’ve got some of the best win rate decks from recent tournaments of the new Space-Time Smackdown expansion. So, grab your favorite cards, and let's dive into the decks that will lead you to victory!

You can check this article for more details about the new event. Even though there are a lot of competitive decks you can use, you need 45 wins to get the Gold emblem. So, this might take a while, and I would recommend using faster decks to finish it quickly because losses don't matter. This is the general strategy I would prefer, unlike the win-streak events where every battle counts more.

Darkrai Magnezone

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The first deck we will feature is one of the best-performing decks from the recent tournaments. Although this isn't as fast as the other decks since we're tanking with A1a-056 and charging up a2-110-darkrai-ex, it doesn't matter if you win most of your matches.

Despite running a2-53-magnezone, we only use Dark energy. You usually start with having A1a-056 in your front line while you are giving a2-110-darkrai-ex energy and dealing damage. You will rarely give a2-53-magnezone energy because it can sustain itself with Volt Charge, having an electric energy every turn. The only time you are giving a2-53-magnezone energy is if it's in the frontline and you are discarding energy for it. This is a solid strategy that other decks are having a hard time dealing with since you will almost always have energy for a2-53-magnezone. a2-110-darkrai-ex on the other hand also damages enemies while gaining energy and being protected by A1a-056. Then, you can bring out a2-53-magnezone to finish your opponent's Pokémon.

Darkrai Weavile

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This is another a2-110-darkrai-ex deck again, but it's faster than a2-53-magnezone because you are now using a2-110-darkrai-ex's ability to make a2-99-weavile-ex's Scratching Nails active right away, dealing 70 damage per turn plus a2-110-darkrai-ex's 20 damage. You can also use A2-154 to transfer the energy you've given from a2-110-darkrai-ex to a2-99-weavile-ex so you can attack right away. This is insanely aggressive and fast if you are able to pull off the combo right away. A2-104 is a good card to make a2-99-weavile-ex's attack active and A2-150 too, so you can target every card in play you want to finish. If you're looking for the fastest deck to finish the event, this is the fastest one. Some lists also run A1-198, especially if you don't open up with a2-98-sneasel.

Dialga Yanmega

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This isn't incredibly fast since you still need to charge energy for all your Pokémon. a2-119-dialga-ex's Metallic Turbo allows you to charge a2-7-yanmega-ex or a1a-32-mew-ex since they all use colorless energy attacks. You can then choose which to charge depending on the situation. We are only running Metal energy in this deck since that's the requirement for a2-119-dialga-ex's attacks. Typically, a2-7-yanmega-ex is the best card to charge since it's a flat 120 damage while also being incredibly good against one of the top decks right now, which is a2-110-darkrai-ex because of its inherent grass weakness, it combines to a total of 140 damage against a2-110-darkrai-ex. You use a1a-32-mew-ex for higher damage threats such as A1-036, A1-129, or A2-049. You can add A2-111 if you feel not opening with a2-119-dialga-ex hurts a lot since the deck does rely on that.

Palkia Manaphy

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Despite charging energy again, the deck is still fast because it does that quickly. This deck relies on starting with A2-050 and charging up A2-049 to use its 150 damage Dimensional Storm, although the attack discards 3 energy. So, this is where A1a-019's Wash Out comes in and transfers the excess energy from the other Pokémon A2-050 is filling up, ensuring that every energy is used up. A1-220 also helps in getting bonus energy as well.

Primeape Lucario

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Fighting decks are also a good option because of their aggressiveness, which makes games incredibly fast, although it is a bit harder because the meta revolves around charging energy with high damager finishers, and they are all protected by high HP Pokémon with A2-148 and A2-147. The deck packs a punch now paired with A2-092, paired with the high damage A1a-041 and A1a-042, helping you finish off higher HP Pokémon with just an attack or two. A2-150 also helps you finish off Pokémon that retreat.

Gyarados ex

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a1a-18-gyarados-ex, which is one of the top decks from Mythical Island, is still a powerhouse in the current expansion, still dominating a lot of tournaments. Although slower than other decks, A1-220 can help with that every now and then. The strategy revolves around leading with A1a-056 while you charge A1a-017, evolve it to a1a-18-gyarados-ex, and then finally bring it out when you can use its 140 damage attack to knock out the opponent's Pokémon. A1a-041, on the other hand, is also something you can use if you don't have enough time for a1a-18-gyarados-ex. A1a-041 also helps chip down higher HP threats to make sure you finish every Pokémon with a single attack from a1a-18-gyarados-ex.

Charizard ex

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a1-36-charizardex is in a good spot right now since most are just charging up energy from their bench while also protected with tanky Pokémon. But no one does it better than a1-36-charizardex since a1-36-charizardex's 200 damage can obliterate any hitter from your opponent. You just need to ideally not let a1-47-moltresex die so you can afford a1-36-charizardex to die or not be A1-225'ed. A2-146 helps you find the a1-36-charizardex line much more consistently.

Cheap Good Decks

You may have been missing some cards featured in the decks above considering most of them are from the new expansion so I'm also providing cheap non-ex decks that are easily obtainable while also still being competitive.

Ninetales Blaine

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A1-038 A1-221 has always been one of the top decks ever since the game came out, and it is still a good deck to run but not as good as it was before the newer sets arrived. There have been a lot of tools that are preventing fast aggression, such as A2-147, A2-148, and you can still combine them with PROMO-001, making it much harder to just run down your opponent. The addition of effects like Confusion makes going aggressive less appealing. The strategy is to simply outpace your opponent with the help of A1-221, combined with the new A1a-011 or A1-038, you can deal up to 130 damage, knocking out most Pokémon on your path.

Weezing Arbok

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The final deck on the list is also just a refresher of one of the old strong decks. We are adding A2-110 to give off more firepower since the deck lacks power a bit although if you are missing A2-110, you can still run the deck without it and add A1-225 although it will definitely be weaker for sure. The idea is to stall with a1-177-weezing while you use A1-165 to lock down your opponent's Pokémon and finish them off. You will also mostly be switching every now and then to prevent knockouts, such as using a1-222-koga for a1-177-weezing and retreating A1-165 for use in locking again. A2-110 provides substantial damage in the back.

There are also a whole lot more you can use, but these are what I find the fastest while also having a higher win rate. Good luck and hope you get that Gold emblem!

Articles: 13