Table of Contents
I get it. You only have a few hourglasses up your sleeve. I got you.
In this article, I'll help you decide which packs to open and show you some decks to build from them! Although if you already have a few more cards, you can check out this article best decks to check out best decks you can build in the Spacetime expansion.
This is what I think the best cards from each pack and something you should aim for. If I list a Pokémon with an evolution line, it is assumed you also get the prerequisites.
Palkia Booster Pack

- a2-29-infernape-ex
- A2-053
- A2-049
- A2-055
- A2-065
- A2-067
- a2-99-weavile-ex
- A2-104
- A2-111
- A2-150
- A2-152
- A2-148
Dialgia Booster Pack

- A2-007
- A2-060
- A2-061
- A2-072
- A2-089
- A2-092
- A2-095
- A2-110
- A2-119
- A2-146
- A2-147
- A2-154
As you can notice, the Dialga pack has a lot more appealing cards than the Palkia pack and the main reason you should open a few Dialga packs is because of this card A2-146 alone. It makes every deck much more consistent even if you're not running an evolution focused heavy deck since you can get the other Pokémon that you need right away on a small deck. It will be a 2-of in every deck or at least 1 so either open a few Dialga packs or craft it.
Palkia Decks
I'll start it off with this Water energy ramp deck that focuses on gaining and transferring energy with the help of the new A2-050 and A1a-019, you are making sure that energy is always allocated to the Pokémon you want mainly through A1-076 which you can retreat freely for A2-049. A2-146 is also added here for more consistency even though we are just running one A1a-061 since we don't want to start with it and much rather have A2-050
This next deck is something of a wild combination if you see at first but it actually works. This is a reshape of one of the new decks that emerged from Mythical Island focusing on A1a-056, A1a-060 or A1a-032 as tanks and having A1-089 as a finisher but this time we're adding A2-099 as an added threat for the opponent to deal with which is also better against non-ex decks. The energy to use before is Water and Fire but with the introduction of A2-099, we will have to use Water and Darkness instead. A1a-056 and A1-089 will always have an enemy damaged for A2-099. And once again, adding A2-146 for more consistency on finding A1-089.
This is another A1-089 hybrid deck but is paired with Fighting because of the new A2-123 that utilized Water and Fighting energy. It is a stage 2 Pokémon but has high damage and can also be added with 50 more damage from Cynthia totaling up to 150 damage and a 140 HP. We are only running 1 A2-123 line since we can prioritize A1-089 more and A2-123 will be as a finisher. Since we also have A2-146, we can reliably get A2-123 still.
Dialga Decks
The new A2-092 helps us improve the fighting toolbox even more and can remove A1-198 altogether and have A1-155 instead. We can also run A1a-041A1a-042 instead of A1a-046 but having a consistent opener of A1-155 or A2-091 is impactful because of the less basic Pokémon. This is just straight up more damage with A2-092 and also more becomes highly consistent because of A2-146.
We're returning to the classic with this one using the old and reliable A1-177 engine with A1-165 but with the addition of A2-110. A2-110 will be the alternative win condition if you don't have A1-165 yet and also a good Pokémon to put energy into because of its ability. This deck is further optimized by adding A2-099 but that's on the other pack and removing A1-165 so that's something you can consider.
And finally, a deck that I'm excited to also try. A2-072's Shadow Void can absorb the damage taken from your Pokémon so it works well with A1a-045. Since A1a-045 takes less damage so less damage to be absorbed and you also don't mind a full health A1a-056 always on the front. The deck may be a little less consistent but that's the reason we have A2-146 again to help us make this deck more viable and fun.
I didn't mentioned some obvious decks in here because we also have this article already for other good decks to take inspiration. Enjoy your pack opening and have fun!