Table of Contents
Welcome to my Golem Brock Deck Guide! I'll highlight top decks focused on Golem and Brock, breaking down strategies to pilot them effectively. We'll also explore why Golem offers advantages over Dragonite decks in certain matchups and discussing the core cards too.
Deck List
Golem Onix Stall Deck
Golem Weezing Stall Deck
Core Cards
These are what are considered core cards while building your own Golem deck:
- a1-224-brock
- a1-147-geodude
- a1-148-graveler
- a1-149-golem
The a1-224-brock supporter card works like a1-220-misty but without the coinflips and only gives you 1 guaranteed fighting energy to either a1-150-onix or a1-149-golem only. It's worth to note that both a1-147-geodude and a1-148-graveler doesn't get the a1-224-brock card treatment which is a bummer but this deck still works as intended nevertheless.
Golem Brock Deck Guide
When using Golem with Onix
a1-150-onix is a budget pick when you're still early in the game and don't have playsets for a1-176-koffing, a1-177-weezing and a1-222-koga yet. a1-150-onix is a card if you are able to play it early during your second turn and have a1-224-brock in hand to deal continuous 70 damage per turn while also being very tanky for a basic Pokémon. It's a decent finisher when you have set it up at your bench since it can not be one-shotted by a (hopefully damaged) a1-96-pikachuex or a a1-76-starmieex. It's a horrible card to have if you don't have a1-224-brock in hand and it comes mid game without any energy attached after your active Pokémon gets knocked out.
This deck version works well when you're able to have both a1-150-onix or a1-140-dugtrio to stall the game decently. At the same time, you setup your benched a1-147-geodude to eventually evolve to a1-149-golem; cleaning up the board for you. More about a1-149-golem below:
When using Golem with Weezing
Playing this deck, I believe it is a more effective stalling deck with impressive power. a1-224-brock, plays a pivotal role by providing a guaranteed Fighting Energy for Golem. Why? Because we're setting up this deck to ONLY use Dark Energy.

a1-149-golem, with its massive attack power, is ideal as a single-point finisher, dealing a substantial 150 damage when fully powered. This makes a1-149-golem a strategic choice to close games, especially when built up while other attackers wear down the opponent.
The deck capitalizes on Dark Energy, focusing on consistency while enabling a1-224-brock to contribute the necessary Fighting Energy for a1-149-golem. This approach effectively makes it a two-color deck without compromising performance. Pairing it with a1-177-weezing and a1-198-farfetchd supports early stalling and damage, giving time to set up Golem for the final blow. a1-177-weezing 110 HP and Poison ability create sustained pressure, and with a1-222-koga as support, a1-177-weezing can be cycled back to hand, refreshed for repeated use, and repositioned as a defensive wall. Poison damage adds up quickly, further wearing down the opponent.

a1-198-farfetchd adds additional early pressure, whacking the opponent for 40 damage every turn starting from the first. This relentless aggression disrupts the opponent’s setup and positions a1-149-golem to jump in as a late-game powerhouse, capitalizing on the board advantage created by a1-198-farfetchd and a1-177-weezing. This pairing allows this deck version to maintain both a strong defense and offense throughout the game, ensuring consistent damage and effective energy management.
Why I personally love Golem compared to Dragonite
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- a1-244-dragonite can deal 200 damage to a singular Active Pokémon if your opponent doesn't have any benched Pokémon. But, if the opposing side have a full bench, RNG can sometimes mess you up from winning the game.
- a1-149-golem on the other hand can knockout that Active Spot Pokémon reliably and can OHKO most of the ex Pokémon currently in the META.
- Sometimes, you can lose while playing a Dragonite Decks just because you had 8 Lightning Energy given to you - straight.
Deck Weaknesses
- Golem decks are quite slow to setup and you really need to have some knowledge about when to use your a1-222-koga timely on your a1-177-weezing while stalling.
- Fast decks like Blaine Aggro or Starmie ex decks will derail your early game setup if they are able to rack some points earlier on.
- Sometimes... a1-224-brock doesn't come into your hand and it is somewhere hiding at the bottom of your deck for some reason.
I've been having some success with this deck when going against Mewtwo ex decks since a1-177-weezing just pummels [/card]a1-286-mewtwoex[/card] for a lot of damage earlier on. Golem is just the icing on the cake when it happens. Other than that, a1-150-onix and a1-140-dugtrio can give Pikachu ex decks a bad day. That's about it for our Golem Brock Deck Guide, thanks for reading.
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