Arcanine ex Deck Guide

Explore a budget-friendly Arcanine ex deck guide for Pokemon TCG Pocket. Quick setup and cheap cards inclusion to build your first deck!


If you're looking at our Arcanine ex deck guide, most probably you opened the Pikachu Pack as your very first pack after downloading Pokemon TCG Pocket. You've come to the right place, because I'll be covering some free-to-play (F2P) deck list (refer below) discussing the deck setup, key guides, and more, helping you decide to use your a1-41-arcanineex before moving on with other decks.

Recently as of November/December 2024, a1-41-arcanineex decks has been breaking the META in various tournaments. a1-41-arcanineex is often considered one of the worst EX Pokémon in the game due to its self-damaging Inferno Onrush attack. Despite this, a1-41-arcanineex possesses impressive bulk for a Stage 1 Pokémon and its attack rivals Machamp's Mega Punch without requiring additional setup. Additionally its 120 damage can one-shot a a1-281-pikachuex, a card that has going rampant in all competitive play nowadays.

Deck List

META Breaker Arcanine EX

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Free-to-play Arcanine ex Deck List

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Arcanine ex & Moltres Deck List

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Arcanine ex & Rapidash Deck List

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Core Cards

  • a1-39-growlithe
  • a1-41-arcanineex
  • a1-42-ponyta
  • a1-43-rapidash

Arcanine ex

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a1-41-arcanineex is the heart of this deck. As a stage-one Pokémon, it requires minimal setup but offers solid damage output with 120 base damage. Its three-energy cost makes it faster to set up than some other fire-type heavy hitters, like a1-253-charizardex. Though a1-41-arcanineex can take a toll on itself through recoil damage, the deck’s retreating options, such as X-Speed, help preserve its lifespan and enable strategic swaps before getting knocked out by the opposing Pokémon.

Ponyta and Rapidash

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The a1-42-ponyta-to-a1-43-rapidash line adds extra fire-type options with low energy costs. Rapidash, though less powerful than Ninetales, can still deliver decent damage for a single fire energy. This line is particularly useful for maintaining pressure on opponents while conserving resources for powering up Arcanine ex and other core attackers.

Arcanine ex Deck Guide

Arcanine ex knocking out a Charizard ex

The META Breaking Arcanine EX Deck

The core strategy is straightforward: evolve a1-41-arcanineex quickly to unleash its powerful attacks. With just three Energy, a1-41-arcanineex can easily knock out key threats like a1-285-pikachuex and a1-260-zapdosex. To enhance the deck's versatility, we've included a Singleton copy of a1-218-old-amber and a1-210-aerodactyl. These cards provide crucial flexibility, allowing us to maneuver around opposing strategies like a1-272-sabrina. a1-210-aerodactyl also helps deal with bulky Stage 2 Pokémon that a1-41-arcanineex might struggle to defeat.

Arcanine’s setup speed is something that worth considering when you're choosing between using this deck or the a1-36-charizardex deck when it comes to using a Fire-type deck in this game. Arcanine EX, as a Stage 1 Pokémon, is much easier to evolve than 1-33-charmander, a1-34-charmeleon & a1-36-charizardexScorch, which requires two stage evolutions. This quicker setup allows Arcanine EX to start dealing damage earlier in the game.

Playing the F2P Decklist

For the F2P decklist, you’ll want to lead with a1-42-ponyta and hopefully have a1-43-rapidash ready to begin threatening some burst damage with a1-221-blaine for only 1 fire energy. At the bench you would setup a1-39-growlithe into a1-41-arcanineex while attaching fire energies to it every turn until a1-43-rapidash gets knocked out. After this, it's just stomping your opponent's Pokémon for 120 every turn.

Playing with Moltres ex

As for the decklist featuring a1-47-moltresex, it's best to start with said card and begin powering up your benches with Inferno Dance. After that, it's just swapping in a1-41-arcanineex or a1-38-ninetales to start dealing serious damage to your opponent's Pokémon. a1-38-ninetales deals 90 damage, and with a1-221-blaine, it can hit for 120, taking out low to mid-HP opponents efficiently. This is especially useful for eliminating common threats like Pikachu.

Deck Weaknesses

  • Arcanine ex decks may still struggle against heavy water-type teams just like any other fire-type decks in the current META.
  • Rapidash, though present for flexibility, lacks the power needed in some situations when facing a1-96-pikachuex or a1-76-starmieex from the get-go disrupting your tempo to setup a1-254-arcanineex before its ready.


Currently, a1-41-arcanineex is climbing the Tier List in the current meta. Its ability to deal massive damage quickly and adapt to various strategies makes it a top-tier choice for players looking to dominate the competition.

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Mr. Rapha
Mr. Rapha

Mr. Rapha, a lifelong gamer with over 20 years of TCG experience and 30 years of video gaming, brings his passion and expertise to writing. He creates informative and entertaining guides and tier lists for fellow gamers.

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