Alakazam F2P Deck Guide

This Alakazam F2P Deck Guide features F2P friendly Pokémon like Clefable to help you build your first cheap strong deck!


Welcome to my Alakazam F2P Deck Guide! Even though there are some debates within the community about where Alakazam ranks in the META, one thing is for sure: Alakazam can be a very strong finisher against the top META ex Pokémon. This Pokemon can one shot an Articuno ex that has 3 energies, one shot a Pikachu ex that has 2 energies, one shot both Mewtwo ex and a Charizard ex that has 4 energies.

Alakazam F2P Deck Lists

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Core Cards

Primary Damage Dealer

  • a1-115-abra ×2
  • a1-116-kadabra ×2
  • a1-117-alakazam ×2

Clefairy/Clefable Package (Flexible)

  • a1-113-clefairy ×2
  • a1-114-clefable ×2

Farfecth'd/Kangaskhan Package (Flexible)

  • a1-198-farfetchd ×2
  • a1-203-kangaskhan ×2

Tutors and Draw engines

  • Professor's Research ×2
  • Poké Ball ×2


  • a1-225-sabrina ×2

Alakazam F2P Deck Guide

With the Clefable Package

Play a1-114-clefable during your early game for a1-117-alakazam’s setup. With only one Psychic energy needed to attack, a1-114-clefable is a simple yet effective early Active Spot Pokémon that lets you stall while you prepare a1-117-alakazam in the Bench Area. This Stage 1 Pokémon offers reliable coverage with its 40-damage attack and its 100 HP, making it a durable wall. Additionally, being able to survive a hit from a1-96-pikachuex or a1-76-starmieex discounting a1-270-giovanni buys you a turn or two. While a1-117-alakazam requires time to get to the battlefield, a1-114-clefable’s low energy cost Magical Shot ability allows you to chip away at your opponent’s HP without overcommitting resources.

With the Farfetch'd & Kangaskhan Package

To ensure a strong start, this tech inclusion includes flexible single-energy attackers like a1-198-farfetchd and a1-203-kangaskhan. Both are colorless Pokemon that serve as early game attackers while a1-117-alakazam gets ready. a1-198-farfetchd and a1-203-kangaskhan allow you to pressure the opponent without relying heavily on Psychic energies, giving you time to build a1-117-alakazam’s three-energy requirement in the background. By starting the game with these early attackers, you can set up efficient trades and ensure a1-117-alakazam remains protected on the bench, preserving it as a powerful Psychic ability against EX threats.

The Alakazam Strategy

Fully Energized AlakazamVersusOpponent's EX PokemonResult

With 3 or 4 energy
One hit knock-out

With 2 energy
One hit knock-out

With 3 energy
One hit knock-out

With 5 energy
One hit knock-out

a1-117-alakazam is an exceptional non-EX finisher. As a Stage 2 Pokémon, a1-117-alakazam requires a1-115-abra and a1-116-kadabra to evolve, but it proves worth the effort.

Its scaling Psychic attack deals incredible damage against energy-heavy opponents, making it ideal as a late-game sweeper. a1-117-alakazam’s Psychic attack starts at 60 base damage, scaling an additional 30 damage for each energy attached to the opponent’s active Pokémon. As seen above, it can one hit KO most of the META Poekmon available in the current expansion.

Alakazam Punishing EX Pokemon in a Normal Tuesday Morning

Playing this deck, you don't want to have a1-115-abra or even a1-116-kadabra at the Active Spot but built up at the Bench Area until it's ready to come out. Potions, X-Speed and a defensive usage of Sabrina is your best bet to stall the game long enough.

Deck Weaknesses

  • While a1-114-clefable, a1-198-farfetchd, and/or a1-203-kangaskhan serve as temporary attackers, their damage output is relatively low, capped at around 40–50 damage and a1-203-kangaskhan requires some RNG to deal a full 60. This can make it difficult to secure knockouts or maintain strong pressure until Alakazam is fully powered up.
  • a1-115-abra and a1-116-kadabra have relatively low HP, making them easy targets if the opponent manages to attack them before they evolve into Alakazam. Your opponent's a1-225-sabrina being able to fish them out also makes things worst for you if you don't have a full bench ready.
  • Since a1-117-alakazam is a Stage 2 Pokemon, it requires two evolutions (a1-115-abra to a1-116-kadabra, then a1-116-kadabra to a1-117-alakazam) to fully develop. This can lead to a slower setup, which can be a liability if the opponent applies pressure early on, particularly if they use fast-attacking, low-energy EX Pokemon.


a1-117-alakazam stands out as a non-EX powerhouse that disrupts the current EX-dominated meta in the current format. With its ability, Psychic that scales damage based on the opponent’s Pokémon energy, it can effectively counter high-energy threats while supported by a1-114-clefable, a1-198-farfetchd, and/or a1-203-kangaskhan in the early game. All the best trying our F2P deck lists! Thank you for reading our Alakazam F2P Deck Guide.

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Mr. Rapha
Mr. Rapha

Mr. Rapha, a lifelong gamer with over 20 years of TCG experience and 30 years of video gaming, brings his passion and expertise to writing. He creates informative and entertaining guides and tier lists for fellow gamers.

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