Reroll Guide

How to reroll your account in Pokémon TCG Pocket and the best cards and packs to aim for.

One of Pocket's biggest points of frustration for players is getting duplicate cards. There are no protections in place against duplicates rolls. This means you have the potential to start an account and get a much worse start than another player could. Fortunately, there is a work around! In this guide, we will walk you through how to re-roll your account, how to tell what a good roll is, and the fastest way to reset multiple times.

This guide assumes you understand the basics of the game at this point. If you are a new player or don't fully understand the game yet, check out our beginners guide first to walk you through the early stages of the game. After that, head back here so things make more sense.

How to Re-Roll

The process is actually quite easy. You don't have to delete the game or make a new email. Instead, simply go to the game's settings and press Account Management. There you will find the option to delete data. Once you press this, you will get a confirm delete button to ensure it wasn't a misclick. After that, you are officially reset!

The game will immediately restart to the beginning of the game and act as if you are a brand new player. You can then choose your name and avatar, as well as link the account to your outside accounts. If you plan on re-rolling multiple times, we recommend you skip linking accounts until you are satisfied with your roll. You can always link later in the game's settings. There are currently no limits to the amount of times you can re-roll your account.

Is It Worth Re-Rolling?

I heard lots of player talk about resetting to get better accounts. To give you a better understanding, I spent many hours resetting my account and tracking my results. For most runs (resets) I completed, I stopped at the same amount of packs opened / total cards collected to accurately measure differences (82 cards total per account). Here is everything I've found:

There is actually a very noticeable difference in account quality you could get. Each account is guaranteed to pull 1 EX from the first pack, and 1 Special Art from the first Wonder Pick. Below is a quick chart showing some differences in collection variety, subtracting the guaranteed pulls.

  • 82 Total Cards - 56 unique - 4 EX - 1 Special Art - 1 EX with Special art
  • 82 Total Cards - 64 Unique - 2 EX - 2 Special Art
  • 82 Total Cards - 59 Unique - 1 EX- 0 Special Art - 1 EX with Special Animated Art
  • 82 Total Cards - 65 Unique- 0 EX - 2 Special Art
  • 97 Total Cards - 60 Unique - 4 EX - 0 Special Art

As you can see, accounts can have a wide range of outcomes and quality. An account that I opened extra packs for has less unique cards than the normal 82 card sets. One account had 9 more unique cards than another account, but had no EX or high quality cards. To visualize this difference, here are screenshots of the special cards for those accounts (including the guaranteed pulls):

With this in mind, you could see a good reason to re-roll an account. The bulk of your Pack opening will come at the start of the game. If you don't roll well, it will take longer to make playable decks. EX cards are the foundation to many decks as well, so owning less will strictly limit your ability to deckbuild.

Furthermore, unlocking many EX cards will even unlock rental decks for you to play while you build your collection! If you don't draw any EX though, you don't get to try the rental decks they unlock.

How To Re-Roll Fastest

The method for re-rolling is the same no matter what. The trick for speedy resets is knowing when to stop a run. In my experience, you want to stop after completing all missions EXCEPT battle mode missions. Battle mode offers plenty of pack hourglasses to open more packs, but the tutorial and AI matches take a bit of time to complete. That extra time only gets you 1 or 2 extra packs. You typically should have an idea of your account quality by this point, so 2 more packs shouldn't make much of a difference overall.

For your fastest runs, you should end up with 82 cards collected. This equals 16 packs and 2 Wonder Picks (including the mandatory one). As evidenced by the small sample size above, you should be able to identify a healthy starting collection from this quick run. On average, it took me 20-25 minutes per run to get the 82 cards collected.

If a run is on the fence as being worth it, you can spend a little more time and use Battle Mode to open some more packs. In my opinion though, if a run is debatable on being good, you should go ahead and reset. A good run should be pretty clear for you.

A Few Warnings

If you plan on re-rolling your account, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

First, do not spend money until you are 100% certain your account is satisfactory. Deleting your data also deletes any purchases made, so spending money and re-rolling will quite literally be throwing away your money.

Second, there is no undo on account re-rolls. If you had an okay start but wanted more, you can't go back to an old account. If you are debating keeping an account, link it with an external account, log out, and make a new account from scratch. This will let you have a fallback so you don't regret deleting a good roll.

Finally, don't compare your pulls to other players in order to be satisfied. Some players could get super lucky with an opening collection, but it's not guaranteed. The point of the game is to collect long term, so you don't have to pull a God Pack to have a good start. Just know about how many EX you want, or aim to pull cards for a deck you really want to use. If you spend hours, or even days, trying for a perfect account, you may burn out on the game entirely.


Re-rolling your account is a great way to reduce the amount of bad luck you can get as a new player. While luck has the potential of balancing out long term, having a better start is better for short term enjoyment. With that in mind, don't feel like you have to re-roll your account. As long as you are happy with the collection you have started with, nothing else matters.

Have any questions for us? Have you had better or worse luck in your re-rolls than we did? Let us know in the comments!


I am a Grand Master Rivals player looking to aid the community with helpful guides!

Articles: 5