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Our Charizard ex deck guide needs some update since we have some new cards from the Mythical Island expansion. We are mainly including 2 new cards in our existing deck list and we hope it will help a1-280-charizardex enthusiast out there who doesn't want to change archetypes just yet. Please head to the relevant section for the new deck lists.
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This deck focuses on quickly powering up a1-253-charizardex using a1-255-moltresex energy-boosting ability, enabling a1-253-charizardex to dominate the field. With a key support Pokémon, a1-231-rapidash/ for flexible matchups, and strategic tools like Professor’s Research and a1-272-sabrina, players can adapt to various situations and counter faster decks that features a1-96-pikachuex, a1-76-starmieex, and a1-84-articunoex.
Deck List
Charizard ex / Moltres ex and Rapidash Deck List
The "Tuned" Version of Charizard ex Deck
1-2-2 Charizard Ex Deck List
Core Cards
These are the core cards for the deck (best to have 2 copies of each in the deck):
- a1-33-charmander
- a1-34-charmeleon
- a1-280-charizardex
- a1-255-moltresex
- a1-42-ponyta
- a1-231-rapidash (Some players cut off the Rapidash line to avoid bricking their hand)
As explained earlier, the a1-253-charizardex deck centers on a1-253-charizardex high-damage Crimson Storm attack, with a1-255-moltresex accelerating energy onto a1-253-charizardex for quicker setup. a1-231-rapidash provides early-game pressure, while Charmander and Charmeleon evolve into Charizard. Simple strategy but how to pilot effectively? We go to the guide below.
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The a1-33-charmander and a1-34-charmeleon evolution line is the foundation for getting a1-280-charizardex into play. Some players run a one-two-two line (one a1-33-charmander, two a1-34-charmeleon, two a1-280-charizardex), though this can make the deck vulnerable if a1-33-charmander is knocked out early. Managing this evolution line effectively is essential since losing a1-33-charmander too soon often spells defeat. Evolving carefully and timing a1-33-charmander development is key for getting a1-280-charizardex into action without delays.
Charizard ex Deck Guide
Early game
In your opening hand, aim to play a1-255-moltresex first to get energy on your bench quickly. a1-255-moltresex ability Inferno Dance allows you to flip three coins, adding one energy per heads to any Fire-type Pokémon on your bench. This sets up a1-33-charmander for a smooth evolution into a1-280-charizardex, so prioritize placing a1-255-moltresex if available.
The Mid and End Game
While a1-255-moltresex is setting up, work on evolving a1-33-charmander into a1-34-charmeleon and then a1-280-charizardex. Make sure you’re also attaching energies as they come, so a1-280-charizardex will have five energies ready for back-to-back Crimson Storm attacks. This timing is essential to maximize a1-280-charizardex power, allowing you to take down anything in front of it with consecutive 200-damage attacks.
Plan B: Use Rapidash
a1-231-rapidash is a reliable, low-cost attacker that can help control the early game. With only one energy required to attack for 40 damage, a1-231-rapidash can pick off weaker Pokémon or weaken larger threats while you build up a1-280-charizardex energy. Using Rapidash early allows you to stay on the offensive without over-committing to a1-280-charizardex.
Item and Supporter Cards
Trainer cards are essential for deck control and board manipulation. Use Professor’s Research to draw cards and keep your hand refreshed, and play Potions to keep your key Pokémon, like a1-33-charmander and a1-255-moltresex, in the game longer. Sabrina’s ability to force a switch can disrupt your opponent’s strategy and pull out high-priority targets for a Crimson Storm KO.
Deck Weaknesses
- Water beats fire. Any decks that features heavy hitters like a1-84-articunoex, a1-76-starmieex, a1-82-omastar, a1-61-poliwrath, a1-93-frosmoth or even a1-58-golduck spells trouble for any of our Charizard ex Deck lists.
- A Mewtwo ex Deck that is able to get their strategies faster.
- Sometimes, the coinflip RNG doesn't favor your match for some reason.
- A fast Pikachu ex Deck that can knock out your Moltres before your a1-280-charizardex gets the chance to be ready for battle.
Mythical Island Expansion Update (December 2024)
Adding Mew EX
a1a-32-mew-ex's versatility as a self-sufficient tank helps buy time for setup. With three energy of any type, a1a-32-mew-ex becomes a reliable finisher (it's really bad against Pikachu ex decks though). This card provides a strong finisher in the late game against powerful opponents like a1-262-mewtwoex and mirror matches against other a1-280-charizardex decks - being only a BASIC Pokémon.
Adding Leaf
Both a1-47-moltresex and a1-36-charizardex requires 2 energy retreat cost. With a1a-82-leaf, Charizard EX deck enjoyers will be able to swap out Moltres EX easily to bring in a1-36-charizardex to start burning the opponent's Pokémon.
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Usually, players would need to use promo-2-x-speed and burn an energy to retreat a1-47-moltresex. Under unfavorable circumstances, 2 energies would be used to retreat a1-47-moltresex, which can sometimes disrupt your Crimson Storm play. a1a-82-leaf will enable clutch retreat plays and make it easier to attach an energy more efficiently. a1-216-helix-fossil is there to counter Sabrina plays from the opponent.
Thank you for reading my Charizard ex Deck Guide! This deck packs a punch even though it's not considered on top of the META for now, you'll never know what other Fire type pokemon that will be added in the future to cover this deck's weak points.
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