Mew ex Full Guide

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Full guide for the most splashable or played card in the current Mythical Island expansion, a1a-32-mew-ex. It serves as an early tank and an alternate win condition for high damage targets, all in one card. So make sure to get your Mew ex from the Psychic-type Pokémon Mass Outbreak Event!

Can be used as a tank in the early game but need to retreat it if you don't want to suffer the 2 point penalty. Alternate win condition for any deck that is looking for a high damage counter in the late game.

+ Basically a1a-32-mew-ex is the most splashable card in any deck because of it's high HP that can serve as a tank in the early game and 1 retreat cost so you can easily retreat if damaged.- Bad in the early game in a non-psychic deck because you can't use Psyshot and you're just going to tank with the card and have to retreat it or suffer the 2-point penalty for being an ex card.
+ Genome Hacking is incredibly a strong ability that counters any high damage targets enabling a 1 card late game power for any deck and that is pretty good.

It's power level is high and used in among the top decks in the game. Although since a1a-32-mew-ex doesn't have a dedicated deck on their own, the power level is relative to the deck that it's being used. So this is only a rating for the card itself.

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If it's not obvious by now, and if you've been following the metagame for a while, a1a-32-mew-ex is paired with a1-129-mewtwoex, and the list shown is one of the most successful lists as of late. a1-129-mewtwoex + a1-132-gardevoir is just an insane combo that can reliably beat any deck by dealing 150 damage every turn. a1a-32-mew-ex in this deck serves as an early tank or easily accessible damage if a1-129-mewtwoex doesn’t have enough energy for Psydrive. The weakness of the deck is a1a-32-mew-ex, too, since it can copy Psydrive for just 3 energy, completely obliterating a1-129-mewtwoex. The addition of a1a-67-blue in the deck helps against that threat.

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We compiled all the neutral good cards, and it unexpectedly works. All of them serve a role on their own. a1a-56-druddigon acts as an early game tank and can deal damage too if the opportunity arises, since we're using Fire and Water energy here. You can also just use Water energy only if you think it's inconsistent enough, but based on my testing, Fire and Water works pretty well. a1a-60-tauros is another hitter, especially for ex-decks if a1a-32-mew-ex isn't around, and can serve as a tank as well. a1a-32-mew-ex targets higher damage opponents like a1-129-mewtwoex or a1-36-charizardex. Finally, a1-89-greninja is one of your sources of damage, especially for higher HP thresholds like a1a-18-gyarados-ex. 2 a1a-68-leaf is for easy retreat with a1a-56-druddigon, that's why many of these a1a-56-druddigon decks all run 1 a1a-68-leaf at least. It is a bit weaker against non-ex decks, since your main damage dealers are a bit situational, although a1-89-greninja helps in that aspect.

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Your main strategy is to tank with a1-23-exeggutorex in the early game, which is why we are also running a non-EX version for more consistency. a1a-3-celebi-ex and a1a-32-mew-ex will serve as your backup damage sources if a1-23-exeggutorex or a1-22-exeggutor gets knocked out, especially a1a-3-celebi-ex, since you only need 1 energy for a1-23-exeggutorex and can allocate the rest toa1a-3-celebi-ex. Multiple healing sources like a1-219-erika and promo-1-potion help protect a1-23-exeggutorex. The only downside is that it's challenging if you don't start with a1-21-exeggcute and a1-23-exeggutorex, as your main damage dealers take time to set up their attacks.

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Almost the same functionality as the good cards toolbox, but this time, we're using the fighting package which provides other options as well. You can run this deck without a1a-32-mew-ex and replace it with another a1-154-hitmonlee, and it would work just as fine, if not better. You ideally want to start with a1-198-farfetchd as an early source of damage. a1a-47-marshadow will now be your backup damage for the late game, while a1-154-hitmonlee can provide a good early game option against the bench, especially against a1a-56-druddigon decks or a1a-17-magikarp. We're only using one a1-225-sabrina this time because we have a lot of options for hitting in the back. a1a-32-mew-ex can serve as a bit of a tank early on or as another late game option for higher damage targets although the deck is still lacking in health pools aside from a1a-32-mew-ex.

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An actually good Psychic deck option aside from a1-129-mewtwoex. Although the a1a-38-florges line is a stage 2 Pokémon, this list focuses on getting it out fast with the a1a-65-mythical-slab and a1a-33-sigilyph. a1a-32-mew-ex will now serve more as a tank that you can easily retreat with a1a-66-budding-expeditioner for easy reuse. a1a-38-florges provides an explosive damage threat from the midgame onwards and is a little hard to deal with due to all the heals. The two a1-225-sabrina are for stalling the opponent while also picking up targets. The deck is less consistent because of a1a-38-florges being a stage 2 evolution so it is something to be wary.

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Another Psychic deck option, although not as strong as other lists, deserves a special mention here since a1a-32-mew-ex serves as a tank and alternative win condition. Its biggest strength is that a1-117-alakazam can take out almost any Pokémon, making it especially good in the game of chicken over who will deploy their damage dealer first. a1-117-alakazam can take it out fast, and even if a1-117-alakazam is countered, it only gives off 1 point. Then, you can take out the counter with your a1a-32-mew-ex or another a1-117-alakazam. And in the case, that you want to attack first, you can easily retreat your a1a-56-druddigon with a1a-68-leaf. The weakness of the deck are highly aggressive low energy decks since a1-117-alakazam's attack relies on the opponent having multiple energy.

Although these are the decks I mentioned, there are still a lot of decks where you can put a1a-32-mew-ex such as a1-185-dragonite, a1a-59-pidgeot-ex, a1-177-weezing stuff as well so feel free to experiment. This will just serve as a guide on thought process of where to put a1a-32-mew-ex.


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