Tournament Meta Report: February 10, 2025 – Space-Time Smackdown (A2)

Hello everyone! The Pokémon Pocket community tournaments are thriving, with thousands of players joining from around the world! Participants bring their favorite decks—or the latest meta choices—for a chance to win it all.

This is our second week of A2 Space-Time Smackdown meta, and things have changed a lot compared to the previous week! With more playtime, players are figuring out the best decks in Pokemon Pocket. The top performers for this week look completely different than the last tournament report, so it's safe to say that the new meta has not been solved yet and there are still a lot of decks and Pokemon combinations to explore!

In this article, I'll break down the two largest tournaments held on February 8-9 (Ursiiday's Pocket Weekly #15 and BEC Exeggutive Series!), analyzing the meta distribution, the top performers, and the underdogs!

Deck Distribution

Ursiiday's Pocket Weekly #14 (1891 Players)

Deck NameNo.Decks
Dakrai ex Magnezone223
Charizard ex Moltres ex177
Exeggutor ex Celebi ex140
Gyarados ex Greninja129
Fighting Magnezone115
Darkrai ex Greninja105
Exeggutor ex Mew ex Celebi ex101
Palkia ex Vaporeon86
Weavile ex Darkrai ex47
Rampadros Lucario33
Exeggutor ex Yanmega ex29
Yanmega ex Dialga ex7

BEC Exeggutive Series! ( 617 Players)

Deck NameNo. Decks
Charizard ex Moltres ex75
Dakrai ex Magnezone54
Exeggutor ex Celebi ex53
Exeggutor ex Mew ex Celebi ex51
Darkrai ex Greninja50
Gyarados ex Greninja39
Fighting Magnezone30
Palkia ex Vaporeon19
Weavile ex Darkrai ex19
Yanmega ex Dialga ex13
Infernape ex Moltres ex11
Pachirisu ex11

Ursiiday's Pocket Weekly #14 (1891 Players)

BEC Exeggutive Series! (617 Players)

a1-23-exeggutorex a1a-3-celebi-ex is the most played deck, bringing back the Grass archetype to the competitive scene. However, most players have cut out a1a-6-serperior completely, relying on a1-23-exeggutorex for the early game.

a1-23-exeggutorex isn't not only shining alongside a1a-3-celebi-ex, but also is seeing play with a1a-32-mew-ex and a2-7-yanmega-ex. The two popular versions are a1-23-exeggutorex a1a-3-celebi-ex and a1-23-exeggutorex a1a-3-celebi-ex a1a-32-mew-ex.

a1-36-charizardex a1-47-moltresex saw an increase in play rate, becoming one of the most-played decks in both tournaments. This deck has always been a top contender, but players usually were divided on the a1-36-charizardex or a1-41-arcanineex. However, since A2 Space-Time Smackdown expansion dropped, the community has favored the a1-36-charizardex variant.

We talked last week about how a2-110-darkrai-ex a2-53-magnezone is rivaling and even outperforming the a2-110-darkrai-ex a2-99-weavile-ex, and this week, we have a clear winner with the a2-110-darkrai-ex a2-53-magnezone having the highest representation in Ursiiday's tournament, and it came second in BEC Exeggutive Series.

On top of that, a new contender has arrived that wasn't on players' radar last week! The Fighting a2-53-magnezone deck which runs a1-155-hitmonchan, a1-154-hitmonlee, and a1a-47-marshadow as Fighting-type early attackers and uses a2-53-magnezone for the late game.

a2-49-palkia-ex a1a-19-vaporeon was the number one choice last week, but that didn't last as it tanked in popularity, but remains in the top 10 most-played decks.

History has been made! a1-129-mewtwoex a1-132-gardevoir has lost its dominance in the meta, failing to make it into the top 10 most-played decks. This is the first Tournament Report where a1-129-mewtwoex a1-132-gardevoir does not show up among the top decks.

a1a-18-gyarados-ex a1-89-greninja remains a meta contender, even though it's in the top 3 most-played decks anymore.

a2-110-darkrai-ex a1-89-greninja is another new deck that saw more play this weekend, using both Pokemon's passive damage to set up easier knock outs with their attacks.

Lightning a1-96-pikachuex decks aren't as popular as they used to be. Players have been playing a2-61-pachirisu-ex and many lists are running it as a solo Pokemon without a1-96-pikachuex.

The a2-119-dialga-ex hype has toned down, and players have decided it's not worth bringing this week, dropping its play rate significantly.

Off-meta choices a2-89-rampardos a2-92-lucario and a2-29-infernape-ex a1-47-moltresex saw some play as they try to fight off the top meta decks.

Top 32

Ursiiday's Pocket Weekly #15

Deck NameNo.Decks
Dakrai ex Magnezone5
Gyarados ex Greninja5
Exeggutor ex Celebi ex4
Exeggutor ex Mew ex3
Darkrai ex Greninja3
Charizard ex Moltres ex3
Weavile ex Darkrai ex2
Palkia ex Vaporeon1
Fighting Magnezone1
Yanmega ex Dialga ex1
Magnezone Skarmory1
Rampadros Lucario1
Exeggutor ex Yanmega ex1
Palkia ex Articuno ex1

BEC Exeggutive Series!

Deck NameNo. Decks
Exeggutor ex Celebi ex8
Exeggutor ex Mew ex5
Darkrai ex Greninja5
Charizard ex Moltres ex3
Palkia ex Vaporeon3
Fighting Magnezone3
Dakrai ex Magnezone1
Starmie ex Articuno ex1
Magnezone Skarmory1
Lickilicky ex Dialga ex1
Rampadros Hitmonlee1
  • a1-23-exeggutorex has crushed it in both tournaments! Showing up in the top 32 in multiple decks! a1-23-exeggutorex a1a-3-celebi-ex, a1-23-exeggutorex a1a-32-mew-ex, and a1-23-exeggutorex a2-7-yanmega-ex. If there's a Pokemon to watch out for next week, it's a1-23-exeggutorex!
  • a2-110-darkrai-ex a2-53-magnezone has a good performance in Ursiiday's tournament, but only one player managed to make top 32 in BEC Exeggutive.
  • Despite a1-36-charizardex a1-47-moltresex having the highest meta representation, it was not the top deck in top 32. However, with Grass-type decks becoming popular, we might see more players picking up Fire-type decks.
  • The new a2-110-darkrai-ex a1-89-greninja had great representation in top 32, showing promising performance, which we'll likely see more of next week.
  • a1a-18-gyarados-ex a1-89-greninja is still holding up well, taking 5 spots in Ursiiday's tournament. However, it completely flopped in BEC Exeggutive, with none of the a1a-18-gyarados-ex players making top 32.
  • Off-meta decks that made top 32: a2-89-rampardos a2-92-lucario, a2-125-lickilicky-ex a2-119-dialga-ex, and a1-76-starmieex a1-84-articunoex.

Top 4 Decks

TournamentFirst PlaceSecond PlaceThird PlaceFourth Place
Ursiiday's Pocket Weekly #15Exeggutor ex Yanmega exExeggutor ex Celebi exPalkia ex VaporeonFighting Magnezone
BEC Exeggutive Series!Exeggutor ex Celebi exExeggutor ex Celebi exDarkrai ex GreninjaExeggutor ex Celebi ex
  • A lot of a1-23-exeggutorex decks in the top 4! The winner of Ursiiday's Pocket is a1-23-exeggutorex a2-7-yanmega-ex and BEC Exeggutive Series winner is a1-23-exeggutorex a1a-3-celebi-ex.
  • a1-23-exeggutorex and a1a-3-celebi-ex also made second place in Ursiiday's Pocket and the BEC Exeggutive, and it earned third place in the BEC Exeggutive as well.
  • a2-49-palkia-ex a1a-19-vaporeon and a2-110-darkrai-ex a1-89-greninja, in third place at the Ursiiday Pocket and BEC Exeggutive tournaments, respectively.
  • Fighting a2-53-magnezone makes 4th place at Ursiiday Pocket.

Although a1-23-exeggutorex is dominating the scene, we still see different decks making it far and grabbing a post in the top 4.

Ursiiday's Pocket First Place

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The a1-23-exeggutorex a2-7-yanmega-ex first place list! This deck has a1-23-exeggutorex as an early aggressor, and with a2-148-rocky-helmet attached, you're more likely to get the knockout on earlier turns.

a1-23-exeggutorex's Tropical Swing deals 40 damage and flips a coin, if it's heads, you'll deal 80 damage instead. As a1-23-exeggutorex carries the early game, a2-7-yanmega-ex can later join in, threatening to deal 120 damage with Air Slash attack.

Since a1-23-exeggutorex only needs 1 Energy to attack, you can invest in a2-7-yanmega-ex so it carries the late game.

BEC Exeggutive Series! First Place

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a1-23-exeggutorex a1a-3-celebi-ex is the first-place winner in BEC Exeggutive Series, this version doesn't run a1a-32-mew-ex. It does, however, run a2-22-shaymin for the Fragrant Flower Garden, healing 10 damage from each of your Pokemon.

Combined with a1-219-erika. your opponent will struggle to knock out a1-23-exeggutorex, buying you time until a1a-3-celebi-ex is ready to attack.

Ursiiday's Pocket Third Place

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a2-49-palkia-ex's Dimensional Storm is expensive to activate, and even after activating, we're forced to discard 3 Water Energy. However, getting to deal 150 damage to the opponent's Active Pokemon and 20 damage to the opponent's Benched Pokemon can be overwhelming, and usually, you'll need two attacks to win the game.

This deck is built around a2-49-palkia-ex, having a2-50-manaphy and a1-220-misty to ramp Water Energy and get closer to activating your a2-49-palkia-ex's Dimensional Storm. a1a-19-vaporeon can later move Water Energy from Benched Pokemon to your Active Pokemon through Wash Out ability, getting you closer to attack a second time with a2-49-palkia-ex's Dimensional Storm.

BEC Exeggutive Series! Third Place

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The a1-89-greninja a2-110-darkrai-ex list that finished 3rd place in BEC Exeggutive! This deck uses multiple methods to deal chip-in damage, early into the game, we want to have a1a-56-druddigon in the Active spot, capable of dealing 20 damage back to the opponent's attacker with its Rough Skin ability.

Since a2-110-darkrai-ex's Nightmare Aura requires you to attach Darkness Energy to a2-110-darkrai-ex to activate it, this deck only runs Darkness Energy, which means a2-110-darkrai-ex is our only attacker. Getting to deal 20 damage with Nightmare Aura once every turn and on top of that a2-110-darkrai-ex's Dark Prism will put us on 100 damage a turn.

a1-89-greninja is a Stage 2 Pokemon, so it will take longer to get into play. a1-89-greninja's Water Shuriken deals 20 damage to one of the opponent's Pokemon, which means we can target their Bench. This will help get a knock out alongside a2-110-darkrai-ex attack, but it also means we can damage a Benched Pokemon and play a2-150-cyrus to force it to the Active spot for a2-110-darkrai-ex to knock out.

Ursiiday's Pocket Fourth Place

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a2-53-magnezone has many different decks in Pokemon Pocket and this Fighting/Lightning version uses fighting-type Pokemon early in the game as you build up for the late game a2-53-magnezone win condition.

a1-155-hitmonchan and a1-154-hitmonlee are early Fighting-type Pokemon, needing only 1 Fighting Energy to start attacking. a1-154-hitmonlee targets the opponent's Benched Pokemon, so it can knock out a low-health Pokemon, getting you a Match Point and potentially disrupting your opponent's game plan.

a1a-47-marshadow is perfect to use as an attacker when one of your Pokemon got knocked out on the previous turn, increasing Revenge attack's damage to deal 100.

a1-98-magneton's Volt Charge is how you ramp Lightning Energy, and it's our only way to access Lightning Energy. We want to activate Volt Charge at least twice to make sure a2-53-magnezone can attack twice with Thunder Blast.

Underdog Inclusions

8th BEC Exeggutive Series!

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Since a2-125-lickilicky-ex and a1a-32-mew-ex need Colorless type Energy to attack, a2-119-dialga-ex can ramp Metal Energy on them through Metalic Turbo, getting you closer to attacking with them later in the game.

a2-125-lickilicky-ex needs 4 Colorless Energy to activate Licking Fury, dealing a guaranteed 100 damage to the Active Pokemon and then flipping a Coin until you get tails. For each heads, Licking Fury will deal an extra 40 damage, potentially netting you a knockout on high-health Pokemon.

As for a1a-32-mew-ex, it works best if your opponent has an Active Pokemon with a powerful attack, copying it with Genome Hacking and attacking your opponent's Pokemon with it.

26th Place Ursiiday's Pocket

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This fighting-type deck uses a2-92-lucario's Fighting Coach to boost the damage of your Fighting-type Pokemon, dealing an extra 20 damage with each attack.

This makes it easier for you to knock out your opponent's Pokemon, with a2-92-lucario, a1-155-hitmonchan, a1-154-hitmonlee, and a1a-47-marshadow.

a2-89-rampardos is the late-game Stage 2 Pokemon to carry the game, dealing 130 damage with Head Smash, and becoming 150 damage with Fighting Coach ability. If a2-89-rampardos knocks out a Pokemon, it will deal 50 damage to itself, putting it in a vulnerable spot to the opponent's upcoming turn.

Closing Words

A lot of changes to Pokemon Pocket's competitive meta in A2 Space-Time Smackdown as players continue to figure out the best decks out there. Many hyped-up decks did not perform to players' expectations, instead, players have cooked decks like Fighting a2-53-magnezone and a1-89-greninja a2-110-darkrai-ex that have had a great showing so far!

If you’d like to stay updated on my card game shenanigans, feel free to follow me on Twitter or Bluesky.


Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

Articles: 37