Melmetal Stompy Deck Guide

Melmetal Stompy Deck Guide

Melmetal Stompy Deck Guide: Learn how to stomp your opponent's Pokémon mercilessly with Melmetal for 120 damage unanswered!


Welcome to my Melmetal Stompy Deck Guide! Personally, this is my favorite deck to play since I got the playset for both a1-182-melmetal and a1-180-bisharp. It's not super META at the moment but this deck is totally fun to play (for me at least) and I have been looking forward to make a guide for this deck since the soft launch of Pokémon TCG Pocket.

Deck List

Melmetal Stompy Deck Guide
Melmetal Stompy Deck Guide
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Core Cards

  • a1-181-meltan
  • a1-182-melmetal
  • a1-179-pawniard
  • a1-180-bisharp
  • a1-225-sabrina
  • promo-2-x-speed


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At the time of this guide's write-up, most people would already know playing a1-225-sabrina can win you games. It's no different from playing a deck with a1-182-melmetal.

  • A a1-84-articunoex retreats after getting punished for 120 damage? Bring it back to punish it again with a1-272-sabrina
  • You see that a1-132-gardevoir hiding behind a a1-129-mewtwoex? Bring that a1-132-gardevoir out with a1-272-sabrina to whack it for 120 damage.
  • Owh... a1-56-blastoiseex wants to run away now? a1-272-sabrina
  • a1-47-moltresex Just finished buffing up ? Nope, you come back here - a1-272-sabrina
  • a1-96-pikachuex has its puny friends at the back? a1-272-sabrina
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a1-182-melmetal's 120 damage and its passive ability Hard Coat works so well with a1-272-sabrina. I recommend running two copies of her in your a1-182-melmetal decks.


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The idea behind promo-2-x-speed being a VERY CORE CARD in a a1-182-melmetal deck are as followed:

  • When you are going second, ideally you want to have both a1-181-meltan and a1-182-melmetal in hand. If you don't You can use a1-181-meltan's Amass skill and use promo-2-x-speed to bring it back at to your Bench Area to protect it.
  • If you're having a bad day, and somehow have a1-181-meltan at your Active Spot with no a1-182-melmetal nearby, promo-2-x-speed can save your board state - enabling you to bring out either a1-179-pawniard or a1-198-farfetchd earlier on.
  • promo-2-x-speed works well with a1-178-mawile, a1-180-bisharp and a1-198-farfetchd. ALL these cards has a retreat cost of one energy which means if you ever want to swap your a1-182-melmetal from the bench without wasting an energy, it can be done easily.

Deck Guide

I've basically decided to show some of my gameplay with my personal a1-182-melmetal deck to help you understand more about what I'm going to talk about in this section. It's not of high quality production, so I apologize in advance:

I apologize for the lack of skill editing a video

Bisharp is the Best Aggro Pokémon - Period

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When you're going second, being able to land and attack with a1-179-pawniard followed by a1-180-bisharp in the next turn nets you 100 damage in two turns. Which other fast Pokémon can do 100 damage in two turns combined after evolving from being a basic Pokémon to being a stage-1 Pokémon WITHOUT any backlash or coin flips? None.

If you fail to draw any a1-181-meltan or a1-182-melmetal, a1-179-pawniard and a1-180-bisharp is your other win condition in this deck. Going against a a1-84-articunoex or a1-104-zapdosex earlier in the game will usually end in your favor since you'll be dealing 30+70+70 damage to trade two match points for one match point (if your Bisharp gets knocked out in the process). Even when you're going first, playing this line will enable you to knockout a1-84-articunoex or a1-104-zapdosex with another a1-179-pawniard or a1-198-farfetchd with only one energy.

Finally, a1-180-bisharp can be your finisher after a1-182-melmetal gets knocked out (remember, for just one point) where dealing 70 damage is decent when it comes to finishing an opposing Pokémon that was just whacked for 120 damage.

Going Second With Meltan + Melmetal is OP

I want to talk about ramping in Pokémon TCG Pocket for a bit:

  • a1-47-moltresex - Ramps Fire-type Pokémon in the Bench Area
  • a1-132-gardevoir - Ramps your Pokémon in the Active Area
  • a1-271-brock - Ramps specific Pokémon for one energy
  • a1-267-misty - Ramps your Water-type Pokémon with the power of RNG

a1-181-meltan is so badass, it decided to ramp itself. I've heard many other players saying that Metal-type Pokémon in this game doesn't have much support. The truth is, a1-181-meltan has been designed to support itself while making room for its friend a1-180-bisharp relaxing at the Bench Area.

My play with a1-181-meltan into a1-182-melmetal looks like this:

  • Step-1: Play a1-181-meltan into and Amass
  • Step-2: Attach 3rd energy to [card]a1-181-meltan and evolve to a1-182-melmetal like a boss
  • Step-3: a1-96-pikachuex Hits you for 70 damage because Hard Coat -20 damage passively
  • Step-4: One shot kill a1-96-pikachuex mercilessly

If you're going first, promo-2-x-speed is your best friend to save your damaged a1-181-meltan safely into the Benched Area. After that, attached the 3rd energy to a1-181-meltan while you sacrifice either a1-178-mawile, a1-180-bisharp and a1-198-farfetchd at the Active Spot to buy some time.

Combining both a1-182-melmetal and a1-180-bisharp has won win so many games throughout the soft launch and into the first month of global release of Pokémon TCG Pocket. You have a tanky boi that has Hard Coat and 130 HP alongside the best aggro Pokémon in the game currently.

Deck Weaknesses

  • Fire-type decks in general has an edge against Metal-type decks. That's a given.
  • Specifically, a Blaine Aggro deck will be able to sweep with a1-38-ninetales alone given the right circumstances.
  • Going first sucks hard for this deck. Your only hope is to slowly build a1-182-melmetal from the backline and using a1-225-sabrina defensively to disrupt your opponent's tempo.


Thank you for reading my Melmetal Stompy Deck Guide and I really hope you try out this non-meta non-EX deck! I sure had a lot of fun running my a1-182-melmetal for the past weeks. Our website also has the latest Guides, updated Pokemon TCG Pocket Tier List, a vast deck library, and the most up-to-date info about Pokemon TCG Pocket Tournaments. Please bookmark our website!

  • Join our Reddit community at r/ptcgpocketgg
  • You can find me in-game at: 0404-6206-3464-5405 (Friend ID)
Mr. Rapha
Mr. Rapha

Mr. Rapha, a lifelong gamer with over 20 years of TCG experience and 30 years of video gaming, brings his passion and expertise to writing. He creates informative and entertaining guides and tier lists for fellow gamers.

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