Leafeon ex Full Guide

Hope you’re ready to grab your A2a-010 from the upcoming Mass Outbreak event! Today, we’re featuring A2a-010, a solid contender in the current meta filled with heavy hitters. By equipping it with A2-147, it can withstand the common 140–150 damage range, making it a resilient choice. From there, it’s all about picking the right attackers to complement it.

I tested several builds, including A2-007 and A2a-009, but ultimately landed on these two deck lists.

Let’s jump in and see why this deck is proving to be a serious threat in the meta!

+ Strong Energy Acceleration with Forest Breath providing quick setup and consistent Energy attachments.- Vulnerable Without A2-147 since without it, A2a-010 falls right into the 140 damage KO range, making it easier to take down.
+ Bulky with A2-147 since with 140 HP, pairing it with A2-147 allows A2a-010 to survive the 140–150 damage meta, giving it more longevity.- Arguments for the best A2-126 comments.
+ Great for Dual-Type Builds because Forest Breath provides the Grass Energy needed, allowing you to focus on a secondary Energy type for other A2-126 evolutions.
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The A2a-010 & A1a-003 deck thrives on rapid Energy acceleration to A1a-003, while using strategic healing to keep A2a-010 in play long enough to reach its full potential.

1. What Energy to Use

You have a few different options when deciding on the Energy balance for this deck:

  • Water Energy – This allows you to take full advantage of A2a-072 for healing, but it comes with a major drawback. Since A2a-010’s Forest Breath is the only one that can provide Grass Energy, you’ll be in trouble if you start with A1a-003 and can’t find A2a-010 quickly, making early-game much weaker.
  • Grass & Water Energy – Running both types ensures you have access to Grass Energy even if you open with A1a-003, allowing you to attack right away with just two Energy—assuming you get Grass Energy in the next two turns. Since healing with A2a-072 isn’t needed right away, you have more chances on waiting on Water energy.
  • Grass Energy (Preferred Choice) – While running A2a-072 for healing can be helpful, it doesn’t address the deck’s biggest issue—getting one-shot by high-damage attackers, especially those hitting for 150 damage. Since healing won’t save you from these threats, sticking with pure Grass Energy makes the deck more consistent in its Energy acceleration and overall game plan.

2. Early Game Setup

  • Evolving A2-126 into A2a-010 – Your first priority is to evolve A2-126 into A2a-010 as soon as possible. This is crucial for activating Forest Breath early, allowing you to attach extra Grass Energy each turn.
  • Starting with A1a-003 – If you open with A1a-003, have no PROMO-002, and don’t have access to A2a-010 yet, commit all Energy to A1a-003 and rely on healing to keep it alive.
  • Using A2-146 WiselyA2-146 should only be used when absolutely needed—either when you desperately need A2a-010 or when it’s time to start powering up A1a-003 immediately.
  • Deciding Between A2a-010 & A1a-003 – Plan ahead. Should you keep attacking with A2a-010 or transition all Energy into A1a-003? A good rule of thumb: if A2a-010 is likely to be KO’d soon, don’t waste 3 Energy on it. Instead, start building up A1a-003 immediately.

3. Mid-Game Offense

  • If Attacking with A2a-010 – Prioritize attaching 3 Energy so it can use Solar Beam while staying alive as long as possible. Continue transferring Energy to A1a-003 to prepare for late-game knockouts.
  • If Investing in A1a-003 – Keep A2a-010 in play as long as possible using healing cards like A1-219, PROMO-001, and A2a-072 to ensure consistent Energy acceleration.
  • Dealing with Bench SwapsA1a-003 is vulnerable to A1-225, especially if it’s the only Pokémon on your field. To avoid this, bench another A2-126 as soon as possible. Additionally, A1a-003 can also be disrupted by A2-150, so healing to full HP often is crucial.
  • Strategic Use of A1-225 – Plan ahead when to play A1-225, whether it’s to slow down your opponent’s Energy acceleration or set up a knockout for A1a-003 later.

4. Transition to A1a-003

  • Fully Powering Up A1a-003 – Once A1a-003 has enough Energy, move it to the Active Spot. Powerful Bloom lets you flip a coin for each Energy attached, dealing 50 damage per heads. Ideally, have at least double the Energy you need to maximize the chances of a one-hit KO, allowing you to sweep your opponent’s board.
  • Healing & Survivability – Use healing cards like A1-225 and PROMO-001, and equip A2-147 to help A1a-003 and A2a-010 survive longer.
  • Using A1-225 & A2-150 – These Supporters help remove major threats, preventing wasted damage and allowing A1a-003 to clean up the board efficiently.


  • A2-126 – Chosen because its 10 damage is enough to secure key knockouts. Two A2a-010 attacks deal 140 damage, and Eevee’s extra 10 damage pushes it to 150, which is crucial in certain matchups. You may just treat the additional 20 damage as a bonus in case for healing. Any 20-damage Eevee can work, but avoid using A1a-061 as it can potentially deal 0 damage, making it ineffective in this strategy.
  • A2a-010 – The deck’s Energy accelerator. Forest Breath allows you to attach an extra Grass Energy each turn, helping A1a-003 reach its full potential quickly. Also serves as an early attacker with Solar Beam, applying pressure while setting up A1a-003.
  • A1a-003 – The main attacker of the deck. Powerful Bloom scales with Energy, making it crucial to stack as much as possible. Acts as a late-game sweeper when fully charged. We only run one copy since the deck’s primary focus is setting up A2a-010 consistently before transitioning into A1a-003.

Trainer Cards

  • A1-219 – Helps sustain A2a-010, giving you more time to build Energy for A1a-003. The extra healing is crucial for maintaining acceleration.
  • A2-150 – Lets you take down threats that retreated from A2a-010, preventing your opponent from stalling the game.
  • A1-225 – An optional inclusion, and the first card to cut if you prefer running A2a-072. A strong disruption tool that delays your opponent’s setup, buying time for A1a-003. It’s also useful against tanky Pokémon since you don’t want to waste A1a-003’s attack on them unnecessarily.
  • PROMO-002 – Primarily used to retreat A1a-003 early if you started with it. Also fits into the game plan of committing all Energy to A1a-003, allowing you to retreat A2a-010 for free when needed.
  • PROMO-001 – Another optional card that can be replaced by A2a-072. Provides extra healing to keep A2a-010 alive longer or ensure A1a-003 is always at full HP when dealing with splash damage.
  • A2-147 – A near-essential card that helps A1a-003 survive 140-damage hits, such as from A2a-071 with A1-223, and keeps A2a-010 in play longer.
  • A2-146 – Highly recommended as a one-of, ensuring you can find A2a-010 quickly and transition all Energy acceleration into A1a-003 as soon as possible.
  • PROMO-005 & PROMO-007 – Essential for deck consistency and card draw, helping you quickly find the pieces you need.

Alternative Options

  • A2a-072 – A solid healing option that works if you decide to include Water Energy. It helps sustain A1a-003 longer, but as mentioned in the gameplay section, it has drawbacks—mainly that healing doesn’t always prevent a KO against high-damage attackers. Consider whether the extra sustain is worth the Energy trade-off.
  • A2-148 – A decent choice, since this deck focuses on keeping Pokémon alive as long as possible. However, A2-147 is the better option, as preventing A1a-003 from being one-shot is far more critical than chipping away at the opponent.
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The A1-076 & A2a-010 deck focuses on a quick, steady offensive presence with fast two-hit knockouts. Whether you start with A1-076 or A2a-010, you always have a reliable damage output that can secure two-hit knockouts against 150 HP threats or one-hit knockouts on lower HP Pokémon. The deck is built for speed and consistency, ensuring constant pressure on the opponent.

1. What Energy to Use

  • Water Energy Only – The deck exclusively runs Water Energy, since A2a-010 already generates Grass Energy needed for its attack through Forest Breath. This keeps the Energy base simple and maximizes consistency.

2. Early Game Setup

  • Starting with A2-126 – If you open with A2-126, evolving into A2a-010 should be your first priority to avoid wasting Energy on retreating. However, if you already have the A1-076 line in hand, it might be better to attach Energy to A1-074 immediately, as A1-076 deals higher damage. A2a-010 can still generate Energy later for a retreat if needed.
  • Starting with A1-074 – If you open with A1-074, evolving into A1-076 should be your top priority to avoid wasting Energy on retreating. However, if you only have A2a-010 in hand, you may need to retreat into A1-074 manually. Prioritize attaching Energy to A1-074 first, since you have a chance to draw into A1-076 naturally.
  • Energy Distribution – Since both A2a-010 and A1-076 only need two Energy to attack, distribute them efficiently. Avoid overcommitting Energy to one Pokémon unless necessary.
  • Using A2-146 Wisely – If you need A2a-010 or A1-076 quickly, hold onto A2-146 as long as possible. The longer you wait, the more Pokémon you’re likely to draw, increasing the chances of making the best possible search choice.

3. Quick Offense

  • Trainer Support – Use Trainers to their full potential. A2a-072 helps prevent knockouts with healing, while A2-147 extends survivability against common 140–150 damage threats.
  • Planning for Knockouts – Prioritize attacking with A1-076 if you believe the extra damage can prevent an opponent’s potential healing. However, if minimal damage is enough to secure a KO over time, it’s better to keep A1-076 safe for dealing with larger threats later in the match.
  • Retreating & Switching – Both A1-076 and A2a-010 have nearly "free" retreat costs, as A2a-010 generates Energy on its own. Use this flexibility wisely to cycle attackers and maximize healing potential with A2a-072.
  • Closing the Game – With its fast-paced offense, this deck can maintain tempo and close out games before opponents fully set up their strategy. Constantly swapping between A2a-010 and A1-076 allows you to keep the pressure on while avoiding unnecessary knockouts.


  • A2-126 – Chosen for the same reason as in the A1a-003 deck. The 10 damage helps reach important thresholds, even when combined with A1-076’s 90 damage, allowing it to secure knockouts on 100 HP Pokémon like A2a-063.
  • A2a-010 – Unlike in the A1a-003 deck, this serves more as a supplementary, self-sustaining attacker for A1-076. Since Forest Breath cannot charge A1-076, it functions as a switchable secondary attacker. Be mindful not to discard Water Energy, as you want it available for healing with A2a-072.
  • A1-074 & A1-076 – The main offensive presence in the deck. Hydro Pump deals 90 damage with just two Energy, making it effective against most non-EX Basics while also securing two-hit knockouts on 140 HP Pokémon. It also realigns with A2a-010’s 70 damage to maintain efficient damage calculations.

Trainer Cards

  • A2a-072 – Primarily functions as a way to sustain A1-076 and A2a-010 from chip damage, keeping them at full health and preventing knockouts. Since both attackers can be easily switched, this maximizes the deck’s ability to make full use of HP pools. However, it can still be cut if you prefer a more aggressive playstyle, as this deck leans towards offense rather than tanking.
  • A1-225Delays your opponent’s setup and can help set up knockouts on the Bench. A strong disruption tool, but can be trimmed if other priorities take precedence.
  • A2-150 – Ensures knockouts against opponents that attempt to retreat, which is crucial since the deck cannot one-shot most larger threats. Running two copies is also good, possibly cutting one A1-225 to fit it in.
  • A1-223 – Helps guarantee two-hit knockouts, especially for A2a-010, which may not always be able to attack with A2-126.
  • A2-147 – Essential for boosting A1-076’s HP to 150, allowing it to survive meta threats like A2a-071.
  • A2-146 – Highly recommended as a one-of, ensuring you can consistently find A2a-010 or A1-076 since the deck relies on its Stage 1 evolutions.
  • PROMO-005 & PROMO-007 – Essential draw and consistency tools, helping you quickly find the pieces needed for setup and maintaining pressure.

Alternative Options

  • A2-155 – A strong disruption option that synergizes well with the deck’s fast-paced knockouts. Even if your opponent KOs one of your EX Pokémon, this can ensure they are left with only one card in hand, putting them at a severe disadvantage.
  • PROMO-002 – A useful tech for situations where you don’t draw your Stage 1 evolutions and need to retreat into another Pokémon.
  • A1-219 – Can be included to specifically heal A2a-010, but this situation is rare, and A2a-072 is usually sufficient.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for reading this guide! If you're looking for a fast and consistent deck, both the A1a-003 build and the A1-076 + A2a-010 build are strong choices that can keep up with the current meta. Whether you prefer A1a-003’s scaling power or A1-076’s steady two-hit knockouts, both decks provide speed, efficiency, and adaptability.

You can also check out our other guides for more insights! With the ranked format coming later this month, now is the perfect time to master these strategies, climb the leaderboard, and dominate matchups!

Articles: 23