
Players can exchange duplicate copies of cards and Pokémon TCG Pocket Shinedust Shinedust for Flairs to decorate their cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket.

How to Obtain Flairs

Head to My Cards section of the game.

Select a card.

Select the "Obtain Flair" button.

If you have more than 2 copies of a card, you can exchange duplicate cards and Shinedust to obtain Flairs.

Cards with ⭐ rarities or greater only has Battle Flair available, and in addition you can also exchange extra copies for Pokémon TCG Pocket Special Shop Ticket Special Shop Tickets.

For up to ♦♦♦♦ rarities of cards, you must first unlock "Sparkes Flair: Gold (Cosmetic)" to see the the rest, which depend on the type of the card (e.g. Grass Energy Flair for a1-1-bulbasaur).

Flair Cost
RarityCardsShinedust #1Shinedust #2Shinedust #3Shinedust #4
Promo (Trainer)15075150225
Promo (Pokémon)150075015002250
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