Dialga ex Full Guide

There's a new card that's rampaging everyone on the Space-Time Smackdown expansion for Pokemon Pocket, a2-119-dialga-ex with it's insane attack Metallic Turbo enabling to gain 2 energy fast not only for Metal Pokemon but any Pokemon as long as it uses neutral energy attacks like a1-204-tauros, a1a-32-mew-ex, a2-7-yanmega-ex, A2-053 and many many more.

+ a2-119-dialga-ex's attack Metallic Turbo lets you gain energy to your bench Pokemon making your hitters online as fast as possible- Heavy Impact attack is lackluster for it's 4 energy cost so you will mostly just use Metallic Turbo
+ Tanky body of 150 HP letting you absorb hits while you use your attacks.
+ Synergizes not only with Metal Pokemon but any Pokemon with a neutral energy attack enabling a lot of hybrid decks.
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You usually want to start with a2-119-dialga-ex to gain energy for a2-7-yanmega-ex or a1a-32-mew-ex. a2-7-yanmega-ex straight up obliterates a2-110-darkrai-ex because of its inherent Grass weakness, dealing an exact 140 damage, especially with all the a2-110-darkrai-ex craze going around. a1a-32-mew-ex will serve as your backup for any of the huge threats such as A1-129 or A1-036. The new a2-148-rocky-helmet, a2-150-cyrus, and a1-223-giovanni can help you reach specific HP thresholds that a2-7-yanmega-ex can't reach. The deck does rely on starting with a2-119-dialga-ex, so adding a2-111-skarmory may help provide a good starter in the opening hand.

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The game plan is simple: you want to use a1-182-melmetal right away, so you use either a1-181-meltan or a2-119-dialga-ex to gain energy. It's highly consistent because you're only running five basics. As for a1-204-tauros, you can replace it with any other hitter you think might fit better, such as a1a-32-mew-ex or a2-111-skarmory. I use a1-204-tauros because I prefer starting with a1-181-meltan or a2-119-dialga-ex. a1-204-tauros is only one point if defeated, so I have the option of retreating a2-119-dialga-ex, losing with a1-182-melmetal and a1-204-tauros, and then fighting with another card again. There are a lot of tank tools, such as PROMO-001, the new a2-148-rocky-helmet which deters the enemy from attacking, and a2-147-giant-cape, so the opponent will have a hard time breaking through. The weakness of the deck is that it can only deal a maximum of 120 damage, so you might need to rely on damaging enemies with a2-148-rocky-helmet or finishing with a2-150-cyrus.

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Our final deck is a simple A1a-059 deck, but we add a2-119-dialga-ex so we still have an option in case we don't draw A1a-056 and it also dilutes the pool of basics so we don't draw A1-186 as a starter. a2-119-dialga-ex helps gain energy for the A1a-059 line so everything works coherently. We're running the new set of tools again as tank options, making A1a-059 even tankier, nearing only A1-036. A2-146 makes the deck more consistent in finding A1a-059.

There are still a lot of options you can consider aside from the hitters I mentioned here like A2-125, A2-143, A2-120, A1-195 so feel free to explore. Hope you get one of the best cards in the new Space-Time Smackdown expansion!

Articles: 17