Aerodactyl ex Primeape Deck Guide

Heya everyone! The Mythical Island expansion brought many new decks to Pokemon Pocket, shaking up the meta. a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex is one of the five new EX Pokemon, that brings a unique playstyle to the Fighting type decks.

The a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex a1-142-primeape is a Fighting off-meta deck, which disrupts the opponent's strategy using a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex's ability and buying you enough time to go for more attacks and knock out the opponent's win conditions.


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We need to play a1a-63-old-amber as quickly as possible to evolve it into a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex and disrupt the opponent's game plan with Primval Law ability.

Since a1a-63-old-amber isn't a Basic Pokemon, you can't draw it with promo-5-poke-ball. So you might have games where you struggle to evolve a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex early in the game.

a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex's Primval Law prevents opponents from evolving a Pokemon in the Active spot, forcing them to expend resources to retreat it to the Bench and evolve it.

a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex only needs 2 Energy to activate Land Crush, going for 80 damage on the opponent's Active Pokemon. You aren't one-shotting high-health Pokemon, but since you could slow the opponent's strategy with Primval Law, a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex could manage to attack at least twice.

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promo-17-mankey's Reckless Charge synergizes with a1-142-primeape's Fight Back. a1-142-primeape's attack only deals 40 damage, which isn't too threatening. However, when damaged, a1-142-primeape's Fight Back bumps its damage up to 100, allowing you to knock out higher-health Pokemon.

This is where promo-17-mankey's Reckless Charge shines. Instead of relying on the opponent damaging a1-142-primeape to gain the damage boost, promo-17-mankey's Reckless Charge will self-damage him by 10, giving the extra damage once you evolve it into a1-142-primeape.

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Since a1-142-primeape and a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex don't have high-cost attacks, a1a-32-mew-ex can be used as a secondary win condition. a1a-32-mew-ex's Genome Hacking is perfect for copying high-damage attacks and knocking out an opponent's Pokemon with a single attack. Copying the likes of a1-129-mewtwoex and a1-36-charizardex is worth it, especially since you're attaching Fighting Energy to a1a-32-mew-ex, so you won't discard any of them.

Other Pokemon

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a1-154-hitmonlee can be used early and late in the game. With its Stretch Kick attack, you can target the opponent's Benched Pokemon, threatening to knock out a damaged Pokemon hiding on the Bench.

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a1a-47-marshadow is best played in the Active spot when one of your Pokemon gets knocked out by your opponent's attack. a1a-47-marshadow's Revenge attack goes from 40 damage to 100 damage, capable of getting you a knockout. a1a-47-marshadow has low health, so he's not meant to stick around for long in the Active spot, the main goal is to get value out of the Revenge attack.

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If you prefer running another Ex Pokemon that can carry games for you, then a1-153-marowakex is one of the best choices to pair with a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex. a1-153-marowakex's Bonemerang can be a game-changer if you get lucky. When activated, you'll flip 2 coins, and for each heads, a1-153-marowakex's Bonemerang will deal an extra 80 damage. A 160-damage attack can knock out most of the Pokemon standing in your way.

Aerodactyl Ex Primeape Weakness

  • Since a1a-63-old-amber isn't a Pokemon, you might not find it early in the game to evolve it into a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex.
  • This list doesn't have a reliable one-shot attack for high-health Pokemon. However, a1a-32-mew-ex somewhat solves that problem most of the time.

Closing Words

a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex is a fun deck if you're trying to ruin the opponent's strategy and slow them down. It might not work out in all matchups, but against decks that rely on a Stage 2 Pokemon to win games, a1a-46-aerodactyl-ex's Primval Law will shine the most.

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Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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